Friday, May 3, 2013

Teachers Give Great Gifts

Up until now, I've been too superstitious to mention my pregnancy on the blog. However, I’m three days away from delivering, and I wanted to thank my friends for the stacks of books we've received and share some of the ones that were new to me.  Generally, speaking the books can be divided into four categories – heartwarming, educational, silly and bedtime.  I’m going to skip bedtime for now, because I could write an entire blog about books for putting children to bed.  I sense this may become important to me in the next few months. 
So let’s start with the heartwarming books.  My favorite is called Calvin Can’t Fly by Jennifer Berne.  It’s about a starling that learns to read instead of fly, but the knowledge he learns from books saves the flock.  I also loved Otis by Loren Long, about a calf raised by a tractor.  The illustrations are delightful, and the message that everyone is important is beautiful.  Then there are the two that made me cry in my rather hormonal state.  I Love You So . . . by Marianne Richmond and I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rosetti-Shustak are both rhyming books about a mother’s love. 

In the educational category, I received two very clever books.  The first is called LMNO Peas by Keith Baker.  It is an ABC book illustrated with peas dressed for various professions.  For example, in I there’s an investigative pea, wearing a trench coat and holding a magnifying glass.  The illustrations are brilliant.  The second (and feel free to steal this gift idea) came with a tooth fairy pillow.  It’s a book called Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions From Around the World.  Incidentally, the title tradition comes from the Dominican Republic.  There’s also a Native American tradition of hanging the tooth on a tree, then dancing around it to make sure the new tooth grows in straight.  It seems strange, but it’s probably cheaper than braces.  On the subject of theme gifts, I also got a stack of airplane books and a fighter pilot Halloween costume.  Teachers give great presents. 

The last two books I want to share are just for fun.  I thought I’d read all of Sandra Boynton's books to my niece, but apparently she doesn't have Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs.  It’s a goofy, rhyming, opposite book about dinosaurs, and I’m sure my son will love it.  Finally, I received a book called Red Truck by Kersten Hamilton about a big red truck that saves the day by towing a school bus on a snowy day.  It rhymes; it has great rhythm and entertaining onomatopoeia. 

Thanks to my wonderful friends, my son has a well stocked bookshelf (I’ve already started reading to him), and I am overwhelmed by all the love and support.  Thank you. 

Some Great Books for Babies
Calvin Can’t Fly by Jennifer Berne
Otis by Loren Long
I Love You So . . . by Marianne Richmond
I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rosetti-Shustak
LMNO Peas by Keith Baker
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions From Around the World by Selby Beeler
Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs by Sandra Boynton
Red Truck by Kersten Hamilton


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